LaJun and Valora Cole are a ministry power-team based out of Tampa, Florida. LaJun is an apostolic visionary, innovator, and disciple-maker graced with a strong fathering anointing and Valora is a cutting edge prophetic voice who is
The Gladiator College will help you, your congregation and community discover their unique purpose and develop it into the what it is designed to be. That person you always knew was there but just couldn’t become on your own. The reality is that everyone wants to improve but, few have the necessary tools that are needed to become who they always knew they were called to be. Deep inside you there is a yearning for more and to grow deeper and stronger in your faith. The key to this growth is locked in training and empowerment. Making the investment today will unlock your future self, which will cause you to reap perpetual benefits.
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Gladiator Camp is a division of the Discipleship Training Institute (D.T.I.). Our mission is to discover, develop and deploy the gifts which are inside of you around the globe to fulfill the mandate of Jesus Christ given in Matthew 28: 19 wherein he commands us to “Go ye therefore and teach (Greek: Matheteuo; disciple) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” KJV