Our Bio

LaJun and Valora Cole are a ministry power-team based out of Tampa, Florida. LaJun is an apostolic visionary, innovator, and disciple-maker graced with a strong fathering anointing and Valora is a cutting edge prophetic voice who is internationally known for her ability to ascend into the heavens with an extraordinary anointing to exhort and accurately release prophetic decrees and declarations.

They are the proud parents of 3 sons, 1 daughter and 2 wonderful grandchildren. Together they make a dynamic ministry duo and are responsible for the senior leadership of Perfected Love International Fellowship, a growing multiethnic/multicultural, non-denominational life giving church located in the north Tampa suburb of Temple Terrace, Florida; the Discipleship Training Institute a training and equipping center; Agape International a not-for-profit community development corporation focused on impacting and enriching the lives of individuals, families and communities globally; and the Exponential Group a for profit leadership, media and organizational development training and consulting company all headquartered out of Tampa, Florida. They are the published authors of “Plug into the Power of Prayer and Prophetic Intercession” and its companion workbook and their latest book “The New Normal”.

Additionally, they are the hosts of an annual conference held in Tampa, Florida themed the “Encounter Conference” and hosts of an upcoming TV show “The Kingdom Today”.

Both LaJun and Valora are graduates of the University of South Florida; LaJun with a BA in Religion and a minor in Leadership and Valora with a BA in Leadership and minor in Public Administration. LaJun is completing his Masters of Divinity from Asbury Theological in the spring of 2017 and Valora will be graduating with her MBA in Organizational Leadership from Southeastern University in the Spring of 2016.

LaJun and Valora have made it their chief aim and goal to dedicate their lives to making strong New Testament believers, who are anointed and trained to walk in purpose, fulfill destiny and make and maximum impact in every sphere of society.