Gladiator Camps are usually a 2-day intensive training course held on site in various locations around the world. The training course consists of several modules that have combined the Prophetic, Spiritual Warfare and Intercession modules in one camp. We have also taught a 1 day Biblical Interpretation Camp as well as Gladiator Leadership Camps. However, because of the depth of information we include, it is impossible to train on one module during an entire Gladiator Camp. This camp will equip you to have a life of sustained victory.
This module teaches the Gladiator to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and proclaim it both individually and corporately with an emphasis on producing greater obedience and commitment.
Spiritual Warfare: This module teaches the Gladiator to recognize the spiritual forces, which oppose the Kingdom of God and provides instruction on defeating them.
Intercession: This module teaches the Gladiator to develop prayer strategies in order to engage in and become victorious through intercession.
This advanced module instructs the Gladiator on creating compelling mission/vision and selecting, training and leading effective ministry teams in order to advance the Kingdom of Christ in the earth.
Leadership Module 1: This advanced module instructs the Gladiator on creating compelling mission/vision and selecting, training and leading effective ministry teams in order to advance the Kingdom of Christ in the earth.This advanced module instructs the Gladiator on transitioning from Pastoral ministry to a model which encompasses the church and the market place.
Leadership Module 2: This advanced module instructs the Gladiator on transitioning from Pastoral ministry to a model which encompasses the church and the market place.
Biblical Interpretation:
Gladiators must have an authoritative understanding and command of scripture, as well as doctrine in order to accurately and efficiently engage and defeat the forces, which oppose living a victorious life. Therefore, this Module equips the Gladiator to have the necessary tools to master the text of scripture in both interpretation and doctrine.